Premier Events Team

So you have an event scheduled that is around the corner and you are considering canceling your event due to Covid19….

Hold the phone… DO NOT CANCEL YOUR EVENTS!!!!!

Have you ever taken things for granted? I know I did. Big open spaces, hundreds of people assembling in one area, music playing, the emcee,caterers buzzing around, bartenders making their magical drinks,  the setting, decor….. well let’s just say that I MISS IN PERSON EVENTS!!! 

However, some really cool things are coming out of this horrible Covid19 pandemic!

Creativity! Especially in events!!

So All that to say … STOP!!!!!

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash



Benefits of having a virtual event:

  1. You don’t have to cancel your event
  2. Stay in from of your clients and donors
  3. You can still have sponsors!! (YEP! They actually get just as much value from being a virtual event sponsor!)
  4. Your overhead is LOWER!! Can I get an ‘AMEN’ 
  5. Still have your fundraiser!!! (Silent auctions, Live Auctions, Paddle Raises, breakout rooms, special VIP privileges, food sponsors. YES, even food sponsors!)
  6. Create clear messaging about your company or your non profits mission that will be impactful for your donors
  7. Pivoting to virtual event is how the world is accepting current messaging and you are being sensitive to what is relevant for your attendees
  8. Raise tons of money to help your business continue during this critical time
‘Where Action Matters’ Virtual Event by Premier Events By Melissa

Cons of Not having a Virtual event :

  1. No in person high fives or hugs (sad face)
  2. Lower overhead, but also NO EVENT INCOME
  3. Keep things the same, keep your head down, and  cross your fingers that the world will open up soon
  4. Miss out on raising tons of money with little overhead costs
  5. Losing the opportunity to use those much needed fundraising dollars for your organization

Now you are like, ok Melissa, you’ve convinced me! Now What?


There are some different things to consider when you are taking your event virtual.

1. Your mind set

Listen, if you live for in person events like I do, you have to accept that this is different and will look different.

Photo by kylie De Guia 

2. Remember the purpose of the event 

This so important when you start deciding which pieces of your event you want to keep in your virtual event. Remembering your WHY will help you make the right plan to get there.

3. Short Sweet and to the point

People’s attention in the virtual world and online is short. So have an impactful message and deliver it with enthusiasm. The most important piece is to remember to add VALUE. The more value you add to an attendee the longer they will stay on.

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky 

4. Talk With A Virtual Event Consultant

YEP! Do not, I mean DO NOT go out and do a virtual event without talking to a consultant first. WHY? Well, because this is a new event concept for business or non-profit organizations. You have one shot to really make it count and leave a good taste in your audience’s mouths. If a virtual event is done well, you will keep bringing them back again and again. This could even be an event model you keep for some of your events in the future. LOWER OVERHEAD COSTS and MAKING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for your business to keep moving forward. Sounds line a WIN WIN to me!

5. Have the right equipment!

I am going to say it again for the people standing in the back.

Photo by Austin Distel 


Small rant, I can not tell you how many webinars I have been to in the last two months, with people sharing screens and the volume out of control or sounds like their speaker is in a cave. Join me in saying NO THANK YOU! and have the right people in the room to deliver a professional event

6. Hire a professional 

Seriously, do not skimp on a professional that can make a virtual road map for you to get you from beginning concept to Virtual Event revenue. Someone that is trained to make sure all attendees have the best experience from messaging before the event to when they donate those dollars. 

Having the right plan to take it virtual os SOOO Important!

When we made the decision to move our traditional fundraiser to a virtual fundraiser I reached out to Melissa for help.  She took the time to do the research on how to do this type of event, looking at different software platforms and typical “run of show” outlines.  She guided us through the entire process from concept to execution with professionalism and enthusiasm that was infectious.  Our Virtual event raised over $115k.  Melissa played a vital role in this success.

John Covert
Director Of Development
The Action Center

Reading to take the next steps to taking your event virtual??????

Need help getting there???

Behind Scenes At Virtual Event – Premier Events By Melissa

I am transforming nonprofit and business events from ‘In Person’ to ‘Virtual’ and making them SUCCESSFUL

I have the event planning experience to walk your through each step. Taking out the stress of the change over and making you look like the star!!!


Here is to making your Virtual Event a SUCCESS!!!

Your Virtual Event Experience Guru,

Melissa Estepp

Director Premier Events By Melissa

PS. Isn’t it time you invested in yourself?