Think Outside the Box For Your Events
When was the last time you gave your events a good review???
Are they working?
Are they effective?

While the world is in an unforeseen time in history and things are on pause, NOW is the time to AUDIT your events!
Most businesses are forced to cancel their events due to this pandemic. You CAN cancel all your events, due to the crisis, or you can lead the way and PIVOT.
The question to ask yourself is, ‘When the world resumes and social distancing lifts, will you be on the forefront of your clients minds? Or forgotten?’
My advice. Take your event virtual! Especially now more then ever! Stay in front of your audience and clients!
Once you decide to take your event virtual, now it’s time to THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!

Questions to help you think Outside The Box for your event:
- What do you love about your event?
- What do you wish could be different?
- Is your event profitable?
- What brings your audience to this event?
- What is your WHY? (Why do you do this event? so important to keep this in front of you before you pivot)
- What is your goal from this event?
- Have you reached this goal before at your event?

Now that you have the above questions answered, now is the time to take this data and transform your event. These answers can also help you pivot to a virtual event.
Do not, I repeat, do not try to take your normal traditional event virtual. Find the key important factors of the event and then add a lot of value. Make it short, sweet and to the point. Grab your audience and captivate them!
Need help pivoting to virtual events … I am happy to help!
Wondering if a Virtual Event is right for you? Check out my pros and cons list here : Virtual Events
Also I will be hosting a LIVE FACEBOOK Q/A about virtual events and you can check that out here: Let’s Talk Virtual Events