Melissa EsteppVirtual Events

So you have an event scheduled that is around the corner and you are considering canceling your event due to Covid19…. Hold the phone… DO NOT CANCEL YOUR EVENTS!!!!! Have you ever taken things for granted? I know I did. Big open spaces, hundreds of people assembling in one area, music playing, the emcee,caterers buzzing around, bartenders making their magical …

Fondant??!! Are You CRAZY!!

Melissa EsteppTips and Tricks Leave a Comment

‘FONDANT???’ ‘AHHHH!!! FONDANT?!! Where do I even begin?’I hear your thoughts from here. ‘There’s no way I could ever do this!’ Well, let me start from the beginning. MYTHS DISPELLED About a two years ago, I started eyeing fondant cakes. Mostly, from a distance before that. So, I studied and read every article there was about how to work with fondant. …

An Event Planner and Mythical Creatures

Melissa EsteppEvent Planner Leave a Comment

Oh No You Didn’t Yes I’ll hire a event planner! Oh also, if you could  go ahead and throw in the unicorn too, that would be just peachy. ‘It’s just a party.‘ you said. Me: spits outs coffee, calmly walks outside, screams at top of lungs, preparing the ‘OH NO YOU DIDN’T’ speech, walks back inside. But then, realization, you never …